For different organs a decrease of Q10 has been found with age.
What does Q10 active seniors science stand for? What is the evidence for fatigue, muscle pain, anti-aging, sarcopenia?
How to get an energy boost as you age?

Active Seniors
Active Seniors


Q10 science on Fatigue and Muscle Pain

Q10 treatment showed a remarkable improvement in clinical symptoms and headache in fibromyalgia patients (Cordero 2012).

Q10 confers potential therapeutic benefits on fatigue and biochemical parameters in CFS (Castro-Marrero 2015).

A study in Spain among middle-aged adults with fibromyalgia (chronic, wide-spread muscular pain and fatigue) found that 100 mg Q10 taken three times daily for 40 days significantly improved measures of interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, and symptoms of somatization and obsessive-compulsion compared to placebo (Alcocer-Gomez 2017).

A meta-analysis shows that 200 – 300 mg Q10 supplementation per day can lower fatigue in statin-associated myopathy and fibromyalgia patients (Mehrabania 2019).

This 2022 systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials concludes that CoQ10 is an effective and safe supplement for reducing fatigue symptoms. (Tsai 2022). 

Q10 science on Anti-aging

The concentration of coenzyme Q10 in the body decreases year by year, indicating that it has a close relationship with aging (Kalen 1989).

Recent advances in Q10 treatment of human diseases and the slowing down of the aging process (Hernández-Camacho 2018)

Q10 and its role in dietary therapy against aging (Varela-López 2016)

In a Swedish study, elderly individuals (>70 years) who received a combination of selenium and Q10 for four years reported an improvement in vitality, physical performance, and quality of life (Johansson 2015).

Q10 functions as a major skeletal muscle gene regulator and modulates cellular metabolism. In addition, skeletal muscle fiber types were shown to change as a result of CoQ10 administration to human subjects towards the muscle fiber profile of younger subjects (Linnane 2002).

Q10 science on Sarcopenia

The data from two independent cohorts suggest that a low Q10/cholesterol level could be an indicator of an increased risk of sarcopenia in humans due to their negative associations to upper body muscle strength, peak flow and muscle mass (Fisher 2016).

What experts say on Q10 active seniors science

Aging is associated with a tissue decrease in Q10 and training is capable of minimizing this effect.

The ability of Q10 to protect against the release of proinflammatory markers provides an attractive anti-inflammatory therapeutic for the treatment of some human diseases and in aging.

It is practically impossible to make up for the loss in endogenous Q10 by eating more food or by eating wisely.