Q10 promotes fertility by improving seminal oxidative defense and improving sperm cell motility, density, and normal morphology.
What is the Q10 fertility science?

Q10 fertility
Q10 fertility

Q10 science on Male Fertility

The exogenous administration of coenzyme Q10 is effective in improving sperm kinetic features in patients affected by idiopathic asthenozoospermia (Balercia 2009).

A randomized controlled study with 212 infertile men indicated that oral supplementation with Q10 significantly improves semen parameters (sperm density and motility) compared with that of placebo (Safarinejad 2009).

Q10 supplementation improves semen quality with a beneficial effect on pregnancy rate (Safarinejad 2011).

In patients with early chronic Peyronie’s disease, CoQ10 therapy leads to plaque size and penile curvature reduction and improves erectile function (Safarinejad 2010). 

A systematic and qualitative review concluded that Q10 is one of the most thoroughly studied nutraceuticals showing a positive impact on sperm parameters and/or birth rates (Kuchakulla 2019).

Q10, alone or in combination with other antioxidant molecules, has a beneficial effect on seminal quality, especially regarding sperm motility. Indirect indications derive from an improvement in the antioxidant capacity of the seminal fluid and the chromatin integrity of spermatozoa. Improvements in semen parameters begin after 3–6 months of treatment but disappear when supplementation is discontinued (Salvio 2021).

Q10 protects spermatozoa membranes from lipid peroxidation
Q10 protects spermatozoa membranes from lipid peroxidation

Q10 science on Female Fertility

A mature human egg is the largest cell in the female body. It has the largest amount of mitochondria in any cell and needs the most energy! Egg cells have around 100 000 mitochondria. This buffer will be used during cell division to pass on and empower immediately the first 100 daughter cells.
All human egg cells are present at birth. So they are the oldest cells in the body. The female reproductive system is the fastest aging organ in humans, far quicker than the male reproductive system. It relates to mitochondria and to aging. The importance of Q10 in female fertility is a new and exciting field of research.

High follicular fluid Q10 level is associated with optimal embryo morphokinetic parameters and higher pregnancy rates. These results might be supportive of the usage of Q10 as a supplement in women undergoing in vitro fertilization (Akarsu 2017).

Q10 improves oocyte and cumulus cells quantity and quality, by improving the mitochondrial metabolism in females of advanced maternal age (Ben-Meir 2015).

Q10 may improve follicular fluid oxidative metabolism and oocyte quality, especially in over 35-year-old women (Giannubilo 2018).

Pretreatment with Q10 improves ovarian response to stimulation and embryological parameters in young women with poor ovarian reserve in IVF-ICSI cycles (Xu 2018).

Compared with placebo or no-treatment, oral supplementation with Q10 can increase clinical pregnancy rates in women undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technology procedures (Florou 2020).

What experts say on Q10 fertility science

Q10 may play a positive role in treatment of asthenozoospermia, probably related both to its function in mitochondrial respiratory chain and to its antioxidant properties.

Q10 restores oocyte mitochondrial function and fertility during reproductive aging.

Oxidative stress in sperm cells can overconsume Q10 to the detriment of its bioenergetic role .