Biochemical structure of Q10 the super nutrient for energy and antioxidant protection
Structure of Q10

Q10 health benefits based on energy and antioxidant defense

Q10 is energy and antioxidant defense in one substance. Therefore coenzyme Q10 is a miracle food supplement. Our body produces Q10 naturally and we can obtain it from the diet as well. 

Coenzyme Q10 is a vitamin-like substance that is essential for life. However, age and disease limit the body’s ability to produce Q10. Therefore deficiencies are common with aging and disease.

Since the discovery of Q10, science has learned how important this active agent is to human health and perhaps more importantly, how to prevent some of the problems that occur as a result of a Q10 shortage.

Q10 beneficial health effects are backed by more than 60 years of clinical research and by thousands of published studies.

Q10 supports cardiovascular function and the latest findings indicate an active role in counteracting endothelial dysfunction, Therefore it is closely involved in cardiovascular disease. Coenzyme Q10 also improves sperm motility, an effect that might be related both to its antioxidant and to its bioenergetic properties. In addition, oxidative stress might be involved in neurodegenerative disease, and in migraine.

In short, the role of coenzyme Q10 in cellular metabolism is well established. Subsequently, we can make a selection of 4 health fields:

Q10 heart health science
heart health
Q10 active seniors science
active seniors
Q10 mental energy science
mental energy
Q10 fertility science
fertility science

Q10 health benefits

Dual Q10 mechanism: energy and antioxidant

Q10 is found in all tissues and in the blood. Tissues with very active oxidative and energy-demanding metabolism have high concentrations of Q10. For example cardiac muscles, skeletal muscles, liver, kidneys, and brain.

The rationale for Q10 supplementation involves two major mechanisms, all in one nutrient.
Firstly, Q10 has a well-known role in cellular energy production.  Q10 is a crucial factor to turn the nutrients that we consume into usable sources of energy, known as ATP. 
In addition, it has unique properties as a fat-soluble antioxidant.  It is well known that oxidative stress damages cell structure and function, fueling inflammation and contributing to a whole host of conditions, including heart disease, dementia, type 2 diabetes and cancer.  Q10 helps to defend against oxidative stress and has also been found to recycle other antioxidants, such as vitamin C and vitamin E, in the body.

future vitamin Q10
future vitamin Q10
Q10 energy and antioxidant mechanism
Q10 energy and antioxidant mechanism

Energy and antioxidant Q10 science in books

Several dozen of books well explain the scientific evidence of Q10. This started with cellular energy production for the heart. After that, scientists discovered Q10 antioxidant defense protection of cholesterol.

Gallery of published books on Q10 science

In conclusion, Q10 is a natural product, located in the heart of our metabolism. A remarkable number of medical benefits, in different fields, have been reported with Coenzyme Q10. Our continued intellectual comprehension of this molecule is further stimulating research and extend its biomedical applications.